Living with VMS

Living with VMS

While menopause is a natural stage of life, VMS (Vasomotor Symptoms) due to menopause can affect many aspects of your life, including sleep, work and personal relationships.1-3

A survey of 201 Australian women has shown how VMS can impact your quality of life3

Areas of life impacted by VMS due to menopause*:

VMS can impact your quality of life³

Talk to your doctor about how VMS is impacting your life.

*A 2023 survey of 201 Australian women on VMS associated with menopause.

Is VMS impacting your everyday life?

Answer the following questions to see if hot flushes and night sweats may be affecting you.

Are hot flushes impacting your social life, causing you to feel self-conscious or causing you to reconsider plans?



The results are in and… 
the symptoms you're having may be due to menopause, and you could benefit from speaking with your doctor.

If you answered YES to any of these questions, please consider speaking with your healthcare professional about VMS associated with menopause.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USE: Answering questions about menopause symptoms is suitable for adults 18+ years only. It does not constitute a medical device or substitute professional medical advice, professional diagnosis, service, treatment or monitoring of any condition. If you feel any discomfort or have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult a doctor.


These questions, in this setting, have been utilised to help people describe their symptoms and level of bother to a doctor as part of a discussion about menopause symptoms.


No personal data are being stored or shared to third parties.

0 out of 0 questions correctly

It helps to know more about menopause
It helps to know more about menopause

It helps to know more about menopause


  1. Thurston RC. Menopause. In: Crandall CJ, Bachman GA, Faubion SS, et al., eds. Menopause Practice: A Clinician's Guide. 6th ed. Pepper Pike, OH: North American Menopause Society, 2019;1-21.
  2. English M, Stoykova B, Slota C, Doward L, Siddiqui E, Crawford R, DiBenedetti D. Correction to: Qualitative study: burden of menopause-associated vasomotor symptoms (VMS) and validation of PROMIS sleep disturbance and sleep-related impairment measures for assessment of VMS impact on sleep. J Patient Rep Outcomes 2021;5(1):42.
  3. Astellas. Data on File.