What are vasomotor symptoms due to menopause?

About VMS
The hot flushes and night sweats you’re experiencing are called VMS, or Vasomotor Symptoms, due to menopause¹

The hot flushes and night sweats you’re experiencing are called VMS, or Vasomotor Symptoms, due to menopause1

  • Hot flushes are sudden and intense sensations of heat in your face, neck, and chest, and may be accompanied by sweating, reddening of the skin, chills and rapid heartbeat1,2 


  • Night sweats are hot flushes that happen while you’re sleeping1

Your hot flushes and night sweats due to menopause can range in severity.1,3

Hot flushes and night sweats due to menopause can range in severity.¹,³
Hot flushes and night sweats due to menopause can range in severity.¹,³

Did you know?

For most people, VMS due to menopause lasts for ~7.4 years. In some cases, though, VMS may last longer than 10 years.4

The history and science of VMS

What’s causing your hot flushes?

What’s causing your hot flushes?

VMS originates in a part of your brain that regulates your body's temperature, called the hypothalamus.

What’s causing your hot flushes?

To keep your internal thermostat in check, your body relies on having a balance between oestrogen and a brain receptor called NKB.

What’s causing your hot flushes?

During menopause, when oestrogen levels decrease, this balance is lost.

What’s causing your hot flushes?

This causes your hypothalamus to tell your body you're hot when you're not.

What’s causing your hot flushes?

To cool down, your hypothalamus triggers hot flushes and night sweats.

See how VMS can affect many parts of your life
See how VMS can affect many parts of your life

See how VMS can affect many parts of your life


  1. Thurston RC. Vasomotor symptoms. In: Crandall CJ, Bachman GA, Faubion SS, et al., eds. Menopause Practice: A Clinician's Guide. 6th ed. Pepper Pike, OH: North American Menopause Society, 2019;43-55.
  2. Kronenberg F. Hot flashes: epidemiology and physiology. Ann NY Acad Sci 1990;592:52-86.
  3. Guideline on clinical investigation of medicinal products for hormone replacement therapy of oestrogen deficiency symptoms in postmenopausal women. EMA. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/clinical-investigation-medicinal-products-hormone-replacement-therapy-oestrogen-deficiency-symptoms. Accessed July 07, 2023.
  4. Avis NE, Crawford SL, Greendale G, et al. Duration of menopausal vasomotor symptoms over the menopause transition. JAMA Intern Med 2015;175(4):531-539.